
St Francis is a warm and lively community. Our worship time is about encounter with God – whether through sung worship, inviting the gentle presence of the Holy Spirit, bible teaching or sharing bread and wine together in communion.
10am Sunday*
Join us for inspiring worship, prayer, bible teaching (with groups for children) and communion. After the service, there’s time to build friendships and community – whether it’s a chat over tea and coffee, or for the young at heart, play and games.
* Please note that on the first Sunday of each month there is an additional service at 8.15am which is a Book of Common Prayer Communion service. On this Sunday there is no communion at the 10am service on this Sunday..
8am – 9am Morning Prayer
Monday to Friday (on Zoom)
Traditional C of E daily prayer (aka the Anglican daily office) with a contemporary feel. We open with a worship track and follow the liturgy, pausing to offer praise, to pray and explore scripture. We pray for one another, the life of St Francis and our community.