Who We Are

Our Vision – At St Francis Church we have adopted a vision statement. This vision guides and informs all that we do together.
To be a growing and loving church family through which God transforms lives and builds community.
What does this vision mean practically?
Growing – Our challenge is to grow in all that we do. This means constantly seeking to grow in our faith, in depth of worship, in our generosity, in our understanding of the Bible, in our prayer, in our effectiveness in mission and in our size and impact as a church community.
Loving – A primary calling for all God’s people is to love. To love God, to love one another and to demonstrate love to everyone we meet. To put love first will always be a challenge. Yet, when we learn to put love first, it is then that we are most effective and attractive as a church.
Church family – We want to be like one big fully functioning extended family where all are welcomed and accepted, valued and cared for. We want to care for one another practically as well as spiritually. We want to always be open and welcoming to new people joining us. We want to be an outward looking family that also cares for those who are currently not part of our family.
God Transforms lives and builds community – For us to achieve any of our vision we need God’s help! He is the one who inspires and encourages us to be a people who love others. God helps us to grow and he is the one who transforms lives. God could easily do all this entirely by himself…but thankfully he chooses to work through us, the church! We are to be constantly praying that God will transform lives beginning with us! We are also to pray that God would guide us and work through us to bring transformation to people’s lives both within and outside the church community. We also seek to build loving friendships and a sense of community wherever we are and whatever we do.
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