Building Update
Building Work has now been completed at St Francis.
The project to make significant improvements to storage, toilets and cafe at St Francis Church / Community hall has been completed.
The contractor (Blackthorne) have done an excellent job to provide a centrally based storage area which replaced the old storage areas that were spread throughout the building and were ineffective and disruptive when running a busy Community Hall. The new layout will make the hall much more flexible for users. The second element delivered is a modern, purpose built and accessible-toilets are which enables all members of our community to access the hall and participate in events. Finally, the popular church cafe which is an essential meeting place for members of the community has been replaced by a modern, commercial area to serve the wider community.
Vicar Richard Heard of St Francis Church believes the facility will make a huge difference to the lives of people living in the area. He says: “This project provides a real boost to the people of Bessacarr. It’s fantastic that a number of grants have been obtained from FCC Communities Foundation, Congregational & General, Benefact Trust, and Garfield Weston. Furthermore, our church family has donated substantially towards the project.”
Our Building fund is open and any businesses or individuals who would like to donate to enable us to complete our contractual financial obligations and also support our ongoing developments would be most welcomed.
There will be a formal opening ceremony on Tuesday 23rd January from 10.30am till noon.
If you would like to support the project with a donation please click here.